Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Reflection #3

Wow, technology has come a long way in the schools but can still go farther. My head is spinning with ideas and is overloaded with information. I guess I would like to take small steps in integrating technology into my teaching.

First I plan to share some of the online videos and use the laptops/computer lab more frequently when learning. I have 4 computers in my classroom that can get some more use from students too. Kids are empowered by technology and I need to plan my lessons around the resources that we have at the click of a mouse. I like the idea of getting a webkin for the classroom and allowing the kids to access that as part of the gaming. I first have to learn what a webkin can do and what kids learn by playing the webkin games.

I would also like to work on my website and add a blog or wiki for students to respond to questions or readings. I will continue to podcast but would also like to culminate a learning unit by making a short movie and digitally record student learning along the way.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These are great ideas, Carol. I like your webkin idea. I just bought my first webkin because I was curious to see what can be done. Haven't had a chance to online with it yet. Maybe there's a way to have a webkins group or something. Interesting idea to pursue.