Monday, August 6, 2007

Using Wikis

Wikis seem to be an online tool that I can use in my classroom. I liked previewing the Village wiki - it was something that I could relate to and maybe even do with my class! It would be a neat way to connect classroom learning across town, across the country or across the world. I thought the idea to use a wiki for meetings was interesting. What a good way to provide feedback to discussions on your own time! Does it really work? Or do teacher have trouble finding the time to add to a wiki? It would be a cool collaborative tool. I also liked that the wiki administrator has control and sets the guidelines as to how the wiki will be used.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Carol, you asked about using a wiki for meetings. At the Village School we are beginning to do this, more or less as a requirement for summer grade level meetings as well as school year meetings on school improvement topics and goals. So far so good, but we've just begun. As a result, Dr. Talany has asked me to create wikis for a similar purpose for other building-wide committees.

Also, at Northwood, we've begun a Differentiated Instruction Study Group and I believe we are headed towards using a wiki for that as well to record the work of the study group.

So, stay tuned! If you would like links to any of these to take a look, just let me know.